Saturday, April 30, 2011

REFLECTION-class discussion

Class discussion was better than ever because more people talked and mj, xsabiar, israel had great points and other people that talked also and i know like always i didn't talked because i'm VERY shy and i don't know i just get nervous. Immigration is a big issue in this country my question is, IS IMMIGRATRION EVER GOING TO BE ACCEPTED IN  THE U.S.? I actually have a lot of questions but whos going to answer my questions i know my mom or dad ain't. Class discussion should be posted on the internet so the world can see what we "teenagers" think about the issues in the u.s. i would want to be heared and i think a lot of us do too. Someone important should go to one our class discussions and that way they can see what great points my classmates have. I really think that the next discussion will be even better because hopefully their are going to be more of my classmates participating inluding ME. I will make sure i will bring out good points. I really think that it started off good but somehow it got to racism and it happens i mean you can't stop yourself from saying something you want to bring out.

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