Monday, April 25, 2011

Arizona governor criticizes birther 'distraction'

Arizona governor criticizes birther 'distraction'
April 25th, 2011
09:21 PM ET
Washington (CNN) - Republican Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who vetoed a bill in April that would have required presidential candidates to prove they were American citizens born in the United States, thinks the so-called birther movement is a "huge distraction."
"It's just something that I think is leading our country down a path of destruction and it just is not serving any good purpose," Brewer said Monday on CNN's "John King, USA."

Brewer's move effectively stopped the bill unless state House and Senate lawmakers garner a two-thirds majority needed to override Brewer's veto.

The former Arizona attorney general said she does not regret her action on Arizona's "birther bill," which she said was a veiled attack on President Barack Obama.
"In Arizona, you know, it was pretty well known it was directed, I believe, at the president of the United States," Brewer told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King. "Our bill was crafted poorly and it would not serve the people of Arizona. It was a distraction. I don't feel any regrets about vetoing the bill."
Brewer received national attention when she signed the controversial immigration bill into law in 2010 that gave law enforcement officials greater authority to arrest illegal immigrants. Since then, federal courts have struck down many of its major provisions, but she vowed Monday to keep fighting.
"I certainly will not drop our lawsuit," Brewer said. "I feel very, very strongly about moving forward and I intend to get it all of the way to the Supreme Court."

ps: I think she's trying to make obama look bad and show that he's not doing a good job as a black president.

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