Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Response to the Rebate

Even though i wasn't their on friday i'm pretty sure there was a lot of interesting
opinions and different points people had. What i think, healthcare is full of different opinions
from different people and my opinion is that Barack Obama has tried anything to get this issue
solved for good but their's always that one person that no matter how close it is for it to be solved
that person always finds a way to put the issue in arguments all over again. There are does who
want this issue to be solved and their are those who don't really care.Tthe President of The United
States might not have other skills that president's from the past had but he is in fact the first one that
for the first time got this issued in place of being accepted. I might not have the greatest answer but i
try and that's all that matters. Trying and risking yourself will make you a better person in life. That's
pretty much it! so see you tomorrow Mr.Palo and for sure next week's discussion i will be present.

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to your presence at the next discussion. You say some very eloquent things, and I can tell you are on the verge of providing some great insight to future discussions. Good.
